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![]() Happy New Year 2020 – The Year of Manifestation Through the Rare Triple Planetary Conjunction - “The Three Treasures of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn”, Activating the Golden Elixir into the Golden Age. “What you think you become, what you feel you attract and what you imagine you create”. – Buddha This New Year of 2020 marks a pivotal change for our home planet Earth, as well as our Cosmic reality, marking the end of an era and the initiation of a new era filled with golden opportunities. What will that new era be? What will we manifest through our consciousness for ourselves, our communities and our humanity for 2020? In Numerology, 2019 was represented by a 3-year, bringing us challenges, growth and change. For 2020, the base number is 4, offering us the same work as 2019, yet bringing what we focus on as manifest. Much like the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, being a harbinger of a new time of universal peace and cooperation, as well December 21, 2012, assisting us with a higher vibrational consciousness for our planet, the year 2020 marks the beginning of a grand new cycle and a new timeline, out of time of our current linear timescape. It is interesting to note that 2020 is not only 33 years from the Harmonic Convergence, it is also a 7-year cycle from our December 21, 2012, end of the Mayan Calendar. To the advanced civilization of the Maya, the number 20 was basic and sacred. The Maya were aware of the microcosmic relationship of the human body, with regards to 10 fingers and 10 toes (20), in relationship to the 13 articulations (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and elbows (12) and the neck (13), to the macrocosm of galactic intelligence connection, created through the pulsations and harmonic tones of the body in tune with the harmonic Universe. The Mayan Tzolkin calendar, (the count of the day), consists of 13 months of 20 days each, totaling 260 days or Tzolkin, as opposed to a 360 day or 365 day calendar. In addition, this galactic long count calendar is based upon seals of colors and tones revolving in 20 and 13-day cycles. From the Maya, the 13 derives from the 13 creator dieties from the man of corn. The Mayan revere the 13 creator gods of corn that represent 13 levels of consciousness of the supra world. White Bear, a Hope Elder Wisdom Keeper, states that the original blue corn came from South America, gifted by the Kachinas and migrated to Yucatan and to North America to the 4 Corners area of the US, where the Hopi were told by the Kachinas of the Bear Clan to remain, to hold the sacred teachings of the Hopi on Earth, until the transition into the 5th World. Some suggest that 2020’s planetary alignments may be assisting our planet through her ascension process, accelerating earth changes and activating the earth’s chakras. Regardless, we are headed for more challenges, growth and change, necessitating a confrontation with possibly all the difficult challenges in need of remedy within our humanity. May we use our planetary medicine through Acutonics to integrate these energies and ground ourselves for what quantum leaps we may be able to achieve. The planetary theme throughout 2020, that is the focus of this article, sets the stage with the planetary players of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, for a rare triple conjunction, last seen 735 years ago. May the influence of these 3 planets together allow us to confront issues with societal structures in need of innovative reform, particularly involving global economics, environmental sustainability and all systems in general. May their reunion assist us with co-creating a revolutionary humanity, resolving crisis through realignment of global geniousness, for manifesting of divine solutions and resolutions. 2020 commences with a Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon in Cancer on Jan 10, with Uranus, the planet of change, stationing direct on the same day, then followed 2 days later, on Jan 12 (my birthday!) by the grand conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. The year dramatically concludes with a Lunar Eclipse, Full Moon in Gemini on November 30, followed by a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14, catapulting us into the years end, with a reunion of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, on the Capricorn Winter Solstice, December, 21, 2020. Somewhere in between the year we have the uniting of Jupiter with Pluto, 3 times from April through November, allowing us three attempts to come to terms with the meaning that can be gathered from being at the beginning and ending of their cycle together. Jupiter forms its first union with Pluto on April 4, 2020 at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving direct. Then on June 30, 2020 they form their second conjunction at 25 degrees of Capricorn with both Jupiter and Pluto moving retrograde. When retrograde, allow realignment, readjusting and revisioning! And for their grand finale, after Jupiter and Pluto both station direct, they form their final conjunction together on November 12, 2020 at 23 degrees of Capricorn, shortly after the US Presidential election. The Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn gifts us with the ability to go beneath the surface of our material world and go inward to explore from our subconscious and bringing form and consciousness from the inside out. Jupiter expands the power of Pluto, bringing with it an ability to create the possible from what we may have believed was impossible. This alignment may rejuvenate us when we are fully absorbed in the action of creating, imagining or bringing form to manifestation. Rather than needing to be recognized or validated from the external world, may Jupiter and Pluto assist us in delving deeper into our essential inner nature and pure potentiality of who we truly intend to become. Be creative when applying and integrating the planetary tones, exploring the intervals and inverse intervals of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. Bringing Sedna into layering of intervals may help bring new insights with these conjunctions into a new paradigm. Sedna is trine most of the triple conjunction throughout the year, adding easy access to her ancient indigenous wisdom and ancestral information stored within the memory of water, to assist us into the Golden Age. Saturn/Pluto (minor 2nd) – is a great mover Low Saturn to mid Pluto (7th) bridging to the 8th….and follow with an appropriate planetary octave (8th) Senda/Pluto (m 2nd) Sedna/Saturn (M2nd) Jupiter/Pluto (4th) bridging (low Jupiter to mid pluto (minor 5th) Jupiter/Saturn (3rd) or Low Jupiter to mid Saturn (5th) Apply these intervals with the 8 extras and consider ending with an intended planetary 5th, Ohm Octave or any Planetary Octave. Consider Sedna/Jupiter tri tone 5th, for altered consciousness journeying Or Sedna/Zodiac 4th for expanding our galactic consciousness. Consider Cosmic Capstone to help integrate the union of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter 2020 Astrological Year at a Glimpse Jan 10 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer opposing Sun, Mercury, Ceres, Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn – Uranus goes direct Jan 12 – Saturn/Pluto conjunct in Capricorn Jan 13 – Venus enters Pisces Jan 24 – New Moon in Aquarius Jan 25 – Feb 4 - Chinese New Year, Year of the Metal Rat April 4 – Jupiter/Pluto conjunct Cap 25 – both Jupiter and Pluto move direct June 30 – Jupiter/Pluto conjunct Cap 25 – both Jupiter and Pluto turn retrograde Nov 12 – Jupiter/Pluto conjunct Cap 25 – both Jupiter and Pluto move direct Nov 30 – Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse in Gemini Dec 14 – Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Dec 21 – Jupiter/Saturn conjunct in Aquarius In Closing, 2020 is the year of the Metal Rat in Chinese Astrology. The Rat is the most respected sign of the Chinese horoscope. Rats are highly intelligent and intuitive. They are good with money, business, tactics, strategies and meeting goals. They are often secretive and sly animals that are able to cope with any of life’s problems. The element of the year - metal. represents durability, strength, firmness, and decisiveness. The color of the year - white or silver. symbolizes purity, wisdom, flawless perfection. May we all be reminded throughout this year when we are challenged with changes to go inward, be in silence to follow the guidance of our hearts, letting go of what needs to be released and trusting in the Sympathetic Resonance of Love to carry us into a higher octave of the great mystery of the unknown. © Tuneintuit - 2019 Ala K’kin – In Lak’ech (Mayan) (I Am You – You Are My Other Me) Lynn Wedekind, Med. Senior Faculty, Licensed Teacher, Certified Practitioner Acutonics Institute of Integrative Medicine, LLC. Upcoming 2020 Acutonics Trainings Tierra Canta Earth & Sound Healing Sanctuary Todos Santos, BCS Mexico Acutonics® Level I/II - 9-Day Retreat Intensive February 8 – 16, 2020 Acutonics® Level IX – Sedna Super Conductor – 4 Day Training March 22 – 25, 2020 Sedna Integration – “Spirit Adventure Journey” - 8 Days/8 Nights/8 Extraordinary Adventurers March 27 – April 8, 2020 (14 Clinical Hours) Acutonics® Level III/IV – 10-Day Retreat Intensive May 22 – 31, 2020 Acutonics® Level I/II - 9-Day Retreat Intensive June 20 – 28, 2020 Acutonics® Level I/II - 9-Day Retreat Intensive December 5 – 13, 2020 “Where You Can Hear Mother Earth Singing” October 2019 Astrology
Senior Faculty, Lynn Wedekind, “Tuneintuit” from Baja California Sur, Mexico “Finding Balance through the Path of the Heart and Love in Uncertain Times” October Astrological Themes: Element: Metal (LU/LI) Season: Autumn Emotions: of Grief/Righteousness Planet Rulership of Metal: Venus Libra ruled by Venus Colors: silver (yin) and white (yang) White Tiger Significant Dates: September 23 – Fall Equinox (Sun enters Libra) September 28 – Libra New Moon *October 2 – Pluto in Capricorn turns Direct + October 6 – Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus October 7 –Sun in Libra squares Saturn in Capricorn October 13 –Full Moon (Aries/Libra), Sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn On the day of our Fall Equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere, September 23, our Sun moved from Earthly Virgo to Airy Libra, the astrological sign signified by the balancing of scales. With our Sun in Libra, ruled by the planet Venus, we shift our focus to creating balance in our relationships and our need for healthy connection to self and others. When we think of Venus, may we be reminded of Love, Beauty and Harmony, expanding our hearts to explore deeper levels of self-love, romantic love and divine love. With our Sun in Libra, treatment strategies throughout the month include balancing and grounding! Think Venus/Mars 5th for balancing the Chakras, appropriate Extraordinary Vessels, the Three Treasures as well as the Juato’s and Bailio. There are several important Astrological alignments worth noting for this Libra Cycle of 2019, commencing with the New Moon in Libra September 28, a SuperMoon. Most significantly, on October 2, Pluto our outer planet of transformation and evolution, turns direct in Capricorn. This may signify another opportunity of moving forwards in our evolutionary consciousness of humanity. What is your soul calling for at this time? On October 6, Mercury opposes its higher octave of Uranus, asking us to tune in and synthesize. Ending with a grand finale of the Full Moon in Aires/Libra and the Sun in Libra Squaring Pluto in Capricorn, occurring on the same day of October 13. When an outer planet stations direct, the forward motion can be felt strongly on Earth in our microcosm, and there is usually great opportunity for humanity to make significant breakthroughs in consciousness. With Pluto stationing direct, humanity may experience this death/rebirth cycle with certain systems continuing to dissolve so healthier change can manifest. Take advantage of this forward momentum to follow your heart and soul. Pluto turns retrograde again January 23, 2020 and while retrograde, this can be a time of deep soul searching and introspection. A treatment strategy to consider with Pluto stationing direct on October 2 and throughout it’s direct trajectory may be Cosmic Tuning, descending from the head with Pluto on Du 23, Upper Star, Venus/Mars on ST 25, Middle Star, Celestial Pivot, and Ohm Unison on SP 8, Lower Star and grounding with Ohm at Kid 1 and any other earth points appropriate. Consider using the Chong Mai with combinations of Pluto/Venus 6th, Chiron/Venus 5th and Nibiru/Venus 4th and Nibiru/Sun 5th to help support the new story at the blood root. With Mercury opposing Uranus on October 6th, consider opening the throat chakra and the 4 Gates with Mercury/Uranus 5th, for a powerful movement of energies. They say a change will do you good! Also consider Mercury/Uranus 5th with BL 10 and BL 60 to assist with spiritual connection. This combo is excellent for the Window’s of the Sky Points as well as Du 16, Yin Tang and Du 20 for opening up to our intuition and psychic awareness. The following day, on October 7th, our Libra Sun squares Saturn in Capricorn, asking us for a restructuring from the perspective of the heart. Using combinations of Venus and Saturn together to help strengthen relationships that are all the balanced aspects of Venus. This is a great combination on the Juatos for activating our kidney yang stored in the vertebrae. Good on the Balio for focusing on balancing all the 8 extras. Consider this combination on the front heart, Ren 17, Heart Center, and the back heart, Du 11, Spirit Pathway, to calm the spirit and open the heart to the Divine Teacher. Consider Venus/Saturn 5th on GB 39, Hanging Bell, to help strengthen the gallbladder to make harmonizing decisions from the creative aspect of Venus. In 5 Element Theory, Fall represents the element of Metal, associated with the organs of LU and LI which involve the process purification and elimination. Treatment strategies for transitioning through the season of Fall and for the Aires/Libra Full Moon on October 13, include opening LIV 14, Cycle Gate and balancing with LUN 1, Middle Palace. Apply the Full Moon fork on LIV 14 and Mars on LUN 1. Follow with Zodiac/Sun 1 5th to release excess liver stagnation and strengthen the lung for initiating a fresh lung cycle. Consider strengthening ST 36, Leg Three Miles and SP 6, Three Yin Intersection, during this season as well with Earth Day 5th and Solar 7th. On a physical level, look for mental imbalances, sinus issues, allergies and lung sensitivities. On an emotional level this is a time to look for issues where we feel the need to be right, or to be included, as well as grief that is unresolved or activated. This can be grief on a collective level as we witness unprecedented change on our planet. It is truly a time to come from the heart and not to be in the illusion of separateness or fear. Consider treating LUN 9, Supreme Abyss, the Source Point of the Lung Channel or LUN 3, Palace of Heaven to help support the lungs resolve grief. Consider Mercury/Full Moon 6th for bringing issues forward and nourishing at the source point and Zodiac/Full Moon 3rd on LUN 3 for releasing long standing grief. Consider using LI 18, FU TU, Window to the Sky Point during the season of Metal. In Debra Kaatz’s “Characters of Wisdom”, She describes LI 18 – A Supported Rushing Forward; “When we are willing to let go of what is no longer useful, we can see how it keeps us from seeing and enjoying our lives. When we let go we can really look inside ourselves and find the qualities and gifts that are there. When the rubbish has been cleared and there is balance and harmony in our life then this chimney to the sky point can open us to fresh insights. We can see the sacredness in the world. Finally, the element of Metal has long been associated with alchemy and this is a time of unity consciousness and the transformational process of becoming gold. A treatment strategy to consider for this season of Metal is the Cosmic Capstone with Mercury/ Nibiru 3rd for integrating the alchemical and transformational process of becoming gold and owning our God/Goddess selves. Follow with Sedna/Nibiru 3rd and Sedna/Venus 6th, for integrating and opening to unity consciousness. For the October 13 Libra Sun squaring Pluto in Capricorn, consider Cosmic Capstone with Pluto/Venus 5th for integrating the transformational aspects the Pluto may assist us with evolving our heart consciousness at this time. Follow with Sedna/Venus 7th, to open the heart to unconditional love and unity consciousness. Apply these two intervals with the Yin Wei Mai as well. May these treatment strategies, during this Astrological cycle of Libra allow us to continue our precious walk on Planet Earth birthing the World we are choosing to co-create through faith, joy, harmony, peace, LOVE & GRATITUDE and Acutonics! Lest we not forget that every day is an opportunity to stay grounded, be in the present moment, shine our light from the inside out, to share our Numinous during these unprecedented times of change for ourselves, our humanity, and our cosmos. “The longest journey that we will ever take is when we move from our head to our heart. There is where the beauty of life will open up to you and all will be revealed”. – Navajo Wisdom Keeper March Astrology 2019 from Tierra Canta in Baja California Sur, Mexico
March Astrology Themes: Watering our Dreams and Seeding Our Earth with a balanced Divine Feminine and Masculine Within Significant Dates: 3/1 Venus Squares Uranus (29°Aquarius/Aries) Chiron Conjunct Mercury 3/5 Mercury Retrograde (29° Pisces) 3/6 New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune (16° Pisces) Uranus re-enters Taurus (0° Taurus) Sun Conjunct Neptune (16° Pisces) Sun Squares Jupiter (23° Pisces/Sag) 3/8 *Sedna Direct (26° Taurus) till Sept 24 based on Swiss Ephemeris 3/14 – 19 Mars Trine Saturn, Mars Trine Pluto 3/20 Spring Equinox (0° Aries) Northern Hemisphere Fall Equinox (0° Libra) Southern Hemisphere 3/20 Full Moon – SuperMoon (9° Aries) 3/22 Sun Conjunct Chiron (2° Aries) 3/24 Mercury Conjunct Neptune (17° Pisces) 3/26 Venus enters Pisces (exalted from 3/26 – 4/20) 3/28 Mercury Direct (16° Pisces) 3/28 Pluto Conjunct South Node (22° Capricorn) Astrology for the beginning of 2019 started off the Year of the Earth Pig (Boar) with a Big Bang with a partial Solar Eclipse on Jan 5, with the New Moon between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, followed by a total Lunar Eclipse in Leo, squaring the change maker planet Uranus on January 20th. The year of the Boar signifies a year of completion from several cycles. So as 2019 signifies a completion year, the eclipses commencing the New Year, mark a completion of something, allowing for a grand new beginning of something else. Whatever the new beginning was intended for the New Year through the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the month of March is a great time to catalyze our intentions with most of the planets direct throughout the month, pulling us in a forward motion. Use the time of the Equinox to solidify intentions, heal old wounds, enter dreamtime, meditate, be in nature and grow inwardly. During the season of Winter, a time of introspection and intuition, we are influenced by the element of Water, the organ systems of the Kidneys and Bladder and the planetary ruler of Pisces, watery Neptune. Additional planetary signatures with water include Venus & Mars (ruling the kidneys, adrenals and bladder) the New and Full Moon, and Sedna. On an emotional level, look for issues of fear, expanded sensitivities, shutting down or hiding or stuffing of emotions, addictions, and co-dependence or inability to cope, depression and suicidal tendencies. With Neptune in it’s rulership of Pisces, look for opportunities of spiritual breakthroughs and awakened consciousness. With Piscean themes out of balance, look for more addiction issues in general, with technology addiction on the rise. Treatment strategies to consider for Piscean themes out of balance may include using the Chong Mai for addiction issues and Yin Wei Mai for trauma. Open the extras with Pluto/Neptune 5th, followed by Chiron/Neptune 3rd, Sedna/Chiron m3rd, followed by an appropriate interval of choice. Consider using Chiron/Uranus 3rd for healing addiction to technology. Consider the Mountain of Balance Points and Ren 17 for calming the spirit and nurturing with New Moon 5th, followed by Sedna/New Moon 6th and Sedna Full Moon 7th to nourish the Yin. Follow with Cosmic Tuning to give them the sense of safety to be here on Earth. Du 23 (Upper Star) with mid Sedna gem tip, ST 25 (Middle Star) with Venus/Mars 5th and SP 8 (Lower Star) with mid or low Ohm Unison. As we enter the Astrological time of March, we reflect upon the ending of winter, the time of Pisces (February 19 – March 20), bridging to the Vernal Equinox (March 20) at 0° Aries marking a turning point to Spring, or Fall in the Southern Hemisphere at 0° Libra. Aries marks the beginning of the Astrological Wheel and celebrating the Spring Equinox at 0° Aries marks a potent New Beginning of Springtime. March is filled with a plethora of planets in dreamy Pisces including the Sun, Mercury, New Moon, and Neptune, along with Venus entering Pisces later in the month. Mercury turns retrograde early in the month and then moves direct towards month’s end. And with the exception of Mercury retrograde, we have a unique opportunity of having all of the other planets moving forwards, including Sedna, allowing for a “green light go” of movement throughout April 25. The intuitive, psychic, imaginative, spiritually focused, sage-like archetypes of Pisces are helpful to balance some of the more weighty earth themes of Uranus re-entering Taurus, which some predict more unprecedented changes for our Mother Earth, and of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, conjuncting the South Node; allowing for old powers and structures to fall away and change for the necessary survival of us as a species and a planet. Treatment strategies for spiritual breakthroughs may include using Ohm/Neptune 5th, followed by Sedna/Jupiter 5th Tritone, with UB 10 (Celestial Pilar) and UB 60 (Kun Lun Mountain). Activate the Cosmic Tuning from SP 8 (Lower Star) to ST 25 (Middle Star) to DU 23 (Upper Star) with Sedna/Jupiter 5th or another appropriate planetary 5th of your choice. Good grounding to follow. The theme for March also includes changes, healings and new beginnings for both our masculine and feminine energies as if the Universe is asking us to be in right alignment with our divine masculine and divine feminine in preparation for what planetary changes we may face in the future. Both feminine power and masculine healing are necessary. The leader of the Zulu nation, Credo Mutwa, shares in oral tradition from his people, that in the beginning of times human beings were both male and female, in the heart and in balance with nature. Perhaps our DNA is realigning with how we are intended to be. Treatment strategies for balancing masculine and feminine energies may be using the Ren Mai and Du Mai with Venus/Mars 5th, followed by Nibiru/Venus 4th, Mars/Nibiru 2nd, and ending with Nibiru/Sun 5th. Bring Chiron and Mercury into the mix or whatever intervals seem appropriate. Work with the Juatos and Balio as well, starting with Mars/Chiron microtone, Chiron/Venus 5th followed by Venus/Mars 5th. Consider BL 11 with Mars/Chiron microtone, Mars/Nibitu 2nd, followed by Chiron/Venus 5th and Nibiru/Venus 4th for resetting the DNA/RNA matrix. Sedna turns direct on March 8th until September 24 heralding an important 6-month opportunity to heal any wounds of betrayal, victimization and co-dependence and launch into our divine purpose at this moment in time on our planet. When I scheduled our upcoming Sedna training here in Baja for the end of March, followed by our Sedna Integration Journey to assist in reclaiming our Indigenous Ancestral Spiritual Sovereinty, I was not aware of the fact that our outer known planet was moving from retrograde to direct. Whenever an outer planet changes course, the movement of the change can be felt profoundly. Incorporate using Sedna now and throughout the next 6 months when appropriate for your session work as we spiral into Sedna Time/Spiral Time. Senda’s ephemeris changes from 26° to 27° Taurus which is interesting to note that the Sabian Symbol for 27° Taurus is an Indigenous Woman Elder Sells Objects That Are Sacred To Her Tribe. Thus signifying an important transition in reclaiming and sharing our Indigenous Heritage and Wisdom and honoring ourselves as indigenous, healing the wounding of all indigenous people on Earth and returning to the Indigenous Earth Wisdom of holding the planet in balance. Our cosmos, our earth, our consciousness are rapidly transforming in preparation for the Golden Age. Perhaps 2020 is heralding us into this New Era? Are we preparing internally for this? The upcoming rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in 2020 may help catapult the shifts needed for our consciousness to be in resonance with the vibrational changes necessary to meet these evolutionary times. Some Mayan elders are now sharing that the end of the Mayan Calendar is really 7 years after December 2012, suggesting that the real end of the calendar is December 2019. With this concept, the year 2012 was a beginning of a 7-year period of planetary transformation and an opportunity for humans to raise their consciousness in preparation for the grand cosmic sneeze. Regardless if this is the case or not, how are we living in these challenging times? All ancient spiritual traditions have appointed to these times for us humans to be prepared physically, mentally and spiritually. We are the ones we have been waiting for, being present, in the heart, and may our Acutonics tool kit be included for the ride as we fasten our Music of the Spheres seat belts for what lies ahead. November 2018 Astrology
November Themes: Element of Metal (LI/LU) Righteousness and grief Elimination and Inspiration Planet Rulership of Metal is Venus Scorpio ruled by Pluto White Tiger Significant dates: Oct 31 – Pluto crosses the ecliptic (evolutionary overdrive) last time 1931, next in 2179 Nov 1 – Jupiter (in Scorpio) trine Chiron (in Pisces) water trine, expanded healing and transformation Nov 6 – Uranus Retrograde (changing signs from Taurus to Aries until March 6, 2019) US Elections Nov 7 – New Moon in Scorpio Nov 8 – Jupiter in Sagittarius (changing signs from Scorpio) till December 3, 2019 Nov 8 – Sedna Retrograde 27˚ 16˚ Taurus till March 28, 2019 (based upon Swiss Ephemeris 3/15/2004) Nov 11 – 11:11:11 Prosperity Portal through November 22, 2018 Nov 16 – Venus Direct (in Libra) what we value, love & creativity flow easier on all levels Nov 16 – Mercury Retrograde (in Sagittarius) till December 6, 2018 (Scorpio) Nov 22 – Full Moon (Gemini/Sagittarius) Nov 24 – Neptune Direct (in Pisces) on Thanksgiving Day Nov 25 – 27 Sun, Mercury, Jupiter conjunction (bringing in more expansion of prosperity consciousness. Nov 28 – Jupiter in Sagittarius semi-square Pluto in Capricorn Nov 30 – Venus in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries In November we enter the astrological time of Scorpio (October 22 – November 21), ruled by the planet Pluto, (in ancient time Mars). During this time we are influenced by the Element of Metal, the season of Fall, the time of Harvest, with the organs of the LI and LU, and the planet Venus in 5 Element Theory. Remembering that Pluto themes represent our transformative energy, our power, our oldest patterns and our deepest fears, lest not forget that Pluto is our opportunity and willingness to choose to look within and do our inner-work. With the transformative abilities of Pluto at play, we can experience tumultuous events in our lives, major or mini personal earthquakes, break-ups and/or breakthroughs to a new reality that our consciousness is asking us to grow towards. When we do our Pluto work willingly, oftentimes we get to dig deep and reap the treasure chest of inner rewards. And with Pluto crossing our ecliptic on October 31, 2018, we are being asked to trust the changes of evolution even if they seem outrageously bizarre and not to get pulled into the collective drama. Remember that chaos produces order and opportunities of evolutionary portals are created that would not exist if it weren’t for the chaos. Our thoughts and feelings create our reality more instantaneously than ever. This is an amazing time to be clear on what our intentions are, keep our focus and avoid distractions at all cost. Staying present in the heart and choosing love are more important now as we leap through Jump Time. During November, the time of Scorpio, on an emotional level look for issues where we feel the need to be right, or to be included, as well as grief that is unresolved or activated. This can be grief on a collective level as we witness unprecedented change on our planet. On a physical level, look for mental imbalances, sinus issues, allergies and lung sensitivities. It is truly a time to come from the heart and not to be in the illusion of separateness or fear. This is a great time to access the Chong Channel with Pluto intervals to assist in changing patterns at the blood root. Consider opening the Chong with Pluto/Neptune 5th, Pluto/New Moon 5th or Pluto/Uranus 5th depending upon your intention. Follow with the appropriate intervals for dissolving and healing patterns and ending with the New Story of Sun/Nibiru 5th. Consider using Pluto 5ths with opening the microcosmic orbit of the Ren Mai and Du Mai as well and ending with Ohm Octave for a fuller coming into balance or Sedna Octave allowing for a fuller expansion of Unity Consciousness. Consider using Pluto/Chiron 2nd, Chiron/Nibiru minor 2nd and mid-Nibiru/high frequency Sedna minor 6th (bridging) on Bladder 11 to assist our DNA and RNA for an upgrade! Treating 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakra issues during this time of Pluto ruling Scorpio is a great time for assisting clients with dealing with their shadow issues and coming into right alignment with their power. Consider using Pluto intervals followed by Chiron on the chakras. For empowerment, consider using Sun/Pluto on the umbilicus. Treatment strategies for transitioning through the season of Fall and for the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th, include Cycle Gate with Pluto/New Moon 5th, the New Moon fork on LU 1 and Pluto on LIV 14. Follow with Sedna/New Moon 6th interval to take these new beginning to a new paradigm. Consider strengthening ST 25, Celestial Pivot and SP 6, Three Yin Intersection, during this season as well. Follow the same sequence on the Full Moon, November 22, using Cycle Gate with Pluto/Full Moon 6th, for bringing to fullness what our souls are here for at this time, followed by Sedna/Full Moon 7th to bring that fullness into the new paradigm. Commencing with transformative energy of Pluto crossing the ecliptic, on October 31, November continues with a plethora of planetary alignments ranging from Jupiter moving into Sagittarius, where it is exalted, offering us an opportunity to restore our trust, faith, seek truth and abundance; to 3 planets moving retrograde (Uranus, Sedna and Mercury), offering us an opportunity to rethink, research, review, restructure & realign; and 2 moving direct (Venus and Neptune), allowing us to move forwards in some area concerning these two planetary bodies. And to keep us spinning in alignment with the times, we have an amazing window of opportunity from November 11 (11:11:11) through November 22 (11 days) to create material and spiritual prosperity! On the first of November, Jupiter in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces. This is an opportune time for healing and transformation. Trines in astrology allow for easy flow of energy. Consider using Low Jupiter/mid Pluto 5th with opening the 8 extras followed by all 3 levels of Chiron/Neptune 4th. Consider using Low Jupiter/ Mid Chiron 6th on ST 40, Abundant Splendor, for abundant healing of the mind, body & spirit. On election day in the US, November 6, be ready for unexpected changes politically as well as planetarily as Uranus turns retrograde moving back into Aries until March 6, 2019. Retrograde periods are times to rethink and reassess. To assist in stuck energy moving quickly, consider using Low Uranus/Mid Mars 5th for opening the 4 gates (LI 4, Joining Valley and Liv 3, Great Rushing). Consider following with Zodiac/Uranus 3rd for a more gentle dispersement of Uranus energy. On November 8, expansive Jupiter moves from Scorpio into it’s ruling sign of Sagittarius. This is an opportune time for things to get easier and the wind to be behind your back. Consider using Sun/Jupiter 5th for expanding consciousness with BL 10, Celestial Pillar and BL 60, Kunlun Mountain (the place of the Tao and the tiger spirit). Consider the same interval the 3 treasures or for ST 40, Abundant Spendor, for expanding the body, mind, spirit connection. With Sedna turning retrograde on November 8, consider following the above interval with Sedna/Jupiter 5th to bring expansive Jupiter a new paradigm of unity consciousness. On November 11, 2018 (11:11:11; November the 11th month of the year, 11th day of the month and 2018 adding up to be 11 in numerology; 2 + 1 + 8 = 11) some sources suggest that a portal of energy will descend upon earth allowing for 11 days of manifesting prosperity. The energy that is coming through the 11:11 portal will amplify our consciousness. Those who are in a positive timeline will have an increase in positive experiences. Those who are following a path of negativity will amplify that course of direction. The element of Metal has long been associated with alchemy and alchemy is the transformational process of becoming gold, a treatment strategy to consider for this prosperity portal is the Cosmic Capstone with Mercury/ Nibiru 3rd for integrating the alchemical and transformational process of becoming gold and owning our God/Goddess selves. Follow with Sedna/Jupiter 5th for opening our consciousness to new paradigms and ending with Mid Sedna/High Frequency Zodiac 11th for integrating and expanding into unity consciousness during the Age of Aquarius. Any 3 of these intervals can be used independently as well. You can also consider using one of all 3 levels of the Mercury Nibiru 3rd, Sun/Jupiter 5th (abundance) or Sedna/Jupiter 5th. On November 24th, Thanksgiving Day in the United States, we have another significant astrological alignment with Neptune turning Direct. It does not occur again until May 17, 2023. Any time an outer planet changes direction, we will most likely feel it in the collective. Neptune is in Pisces in it’s house of rulership. As we reflect on what we are grateful for this Thanksgiving, may we also reflect upon who we are as spiritual beings on planet earth and what is our spiritual destiny. For those who are spiritually bankrupt, these times will be most challenging for them. Consider using Ohm/Neptune 5th on BL 10, Celestial Pillar and BL 60, Kunlun Mountain allowing for Connection to spirit. Consider using Ohm/Neptune 5th with any of the Windows To The Sky Points. With the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter conjunct on November 25th, continue with the prosperity Treatment strategy used for 11:11 with Sun/Jupiter 5th and Mercury/Nibiru 3rd. With Jupiter in Sagittarius semi-squaring Pluto in Capricorn, semi-squares are half of a square or 45 degrees that can be an area of frustration. Consider using Pluto/Jupiter 4th on the Balio, to bring forwards an any areas of frustration or stagnation that need to be released, followed by Zodiac/Jupiter 3rd to expand the release. A treatment strategy for Jupiter semi- squaring Pluto, might include UB 10, Celestial Pillar and UB 60, Kun Lun Mountain (the place of the Tao and the tiger spirit) with Pluto/Jupiter 4th followed with Jupiter/Venus 3rd to bring forth your spiritual destiny through the heart. With Pluto in Capricorn until November 19, 2024, we have the opportunity personally to claim our authenticity. Who do we choose to be at this time on the planet? Are we walking our talk? Are we in alignment with all of our personal systems on a physical, emotional and spiritual level? Are we following our evolutionary destiny? Good time to clean out the cosmic closet so we can fill it with all we are meant to be. For our final installation, consider Cosmic Tuning with Sedna on Du 23, Upper Star to reset the axis mundi with a new paradigm, Pluto/Jupiter 4th on St 25, Celestial Pivot or Middle Star, allowing ourselves to be in the void, having faith for a new expanded consciousness and lastly, Venus/Jupiter 3rd on SP 8, Lower Star, seizing the opportunities of Earth, or Lower Star, to bring and expand heart energies with hope and faith for claiming a more harmonic and peaceful journey on Earth through unity and heart consciousness. May this installation allow you to continue your precious walk on Planet Earth birthing the World you are choosing to co-create through love, faith, harmony, joy, peace and ABUNDANCE, as we all work together to remember that we are spiritual beings in human form on the path to find God. The Universe is within us and our evolving consciousness is essential for a positive timeline for the outcome of our destiny as a humanity and ............... LOVE is always the answer. Comprehending our Universe beyond our Earthly Duality through the Path of the Open Heart with Unconditional Love.
“Those who follow the clockwise path are governed by the changes of Yin and Yang. Those that take the reverse path, however, will be able to walk in the void.” - Tao-hsuan p’ien 5 Element Theory of Fire Element Themes: South, Summer, Heat, Red, Laughter, Blood Vessels, Wizard, Spirit, Warmth and Enthusiasm, Transcend Ordinary Existence Meridians: Heart/Small Intestine, Pericardium, San Jiao Emotion: happiness & joy (balanced), panic & hysteria (excess), withdrawl & depression, (diminished) Stress Response: Fall Apart, Feeling Overwhelmed, Losing Balance Greatest Virtue: Living in the Now Planet Rulership: Mars, Sun, Jupiter White Tiger or Green Dragon Significant Dates: Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Leo (July 23 – August 23) New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse – July 12, 10:47 pm EST, 20 degrees 41’ Cancer Rare Planetary Alignment with the Sun – Starting July 19, 2018 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse – July 27, 4:20 pm EST, 4 degrees 44’ Aquarius Planetary Aspects: 7/5 - Sun Trine Jupiter, Mercury Oppose Mars 7/8 - Sun Trine Neptune 7/9 - Mercury Square Jupiter *7/10 - Jupiter Direct 7/11 - Venus Trine Uranus *7/12 - Sun Oppose Pluto *7/12 - New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse, 20 degrees Cancer 7/14 - Venus Trine Saturn *7/19 - First Quarter Moon in Libra with Rare Planetary Alignment of all Planets on one side of the Sun 7/22 - Venus Sextile Jupiter 7/24 - Venus Oppose Neptune 7/25 - Sun Square Uranus (Change) *7/26 - Mercury Retrograde *7/27 - Sun Oppose Mars *7/27 - Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, 4 degrees Aquarius *7/27 - Venus Trine Pluto As we embrace our Kronos time line of June through July, our Sun moves from the constellation of Cancer, ruled by the watery Moon (June 21 – July 23) entering into it’s rulership of Warm Hearted Leo, (July 23 – August 23). With the Summer Solstice on June 21 heralding us into the Summer Season, the element of Fire, we end the month of June with our fiery planet Mars going retrograde on June 26 lasting through August 27, 2018. When a planet goes retrograde, we are asked to review the qualities and archetypes of that particular planet in relationship to other planetary alignments that are affected by that planet. The month of July offers up two eclipses, with a partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 12th opposing Pluto, (the planet of transformation and evolution) asking us, “how do we need to nurture our hearts and our hearts path? Allowing us to evolve to our soul’s purpose at this moment in time. And with the end of July’s New Moon Total Lunar Eclipse opposing Mars Retrograde, we can expect this particular Lunar Eclipse to activate our planet’s emotions around Social Justice issues allowing us to choose either conflict and aggression, or righteous anger and love channeled into activism, with the compassion of the Buddha. As I write this article, Americans across the US are choosing to march for “Families Belong Together” in over 500 cities and in front of the White House. Planetary alignments help humanity evolve. July proves to be a potent month filled with loads of action with the fiery trio of the Sun, Jupiter and Mars. Perhaps they are assisting us in igniting our internal fires, our divine spark, our Numinous, asking us to heed rightful action during this time of unprecedented change. In 5 Element Theory, when the element of Fire is in balance, we are happy, joyful and engaged in enthusiastic, loving kind-hearted actions and social connections. When Fire is diminished, there is lack of enthusiasm, depression. When in excess, there is hyper-excitability, restlessness, and aggressivity. With the eruption of over 36 volcanoes on earth at this moment in time, and Hawaii’s momentous Kilauea eruption, Pele, the Goddess of Fire, and the element of Fire, is present in our consciousness. This active volcanic eruption phase is a recurring cycle on our beloved Mother Earth. Perhaps she is allowing us to witness the element of Fire on Earth and within ourselves, in excess, to examine our actions, asking each one of us to seek balance and refuge within the being-ness of our hearts? Highlights for July’s Astrology commence on July 5 with the Sun Trine Jupiter, to 5 days later on July 10, Jupiter stationing direct, and two days later on the 12th, a Full Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer opposing Pluto, to a rare planetary phenomena where the planets align to one side of the sun on July 19, to Mercury retrograde on July 26, with the grand planetary finale on July 27, with the Sun Opposing retrograde Mars, and Mars opposing the New Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius. The rare planetary alignment that we will witness on earth on July 19, has not happened in over 20 years. The alignment is when all the planets are located on the right side of the sun, within 180 degrees on one side. Historically, this has only happened 6 times in the last 120 years. This unique planetary arrangement will occur over weeks through September 1, with Mercury taking us out of the alignment, followed by Venus and the Earth. Going back 120 years, this similar alignment occurred in 1998, 1982, 1953, 1944, 1942 and 1917. A common denominator during each of these planetary arrangements, with the exception of 1998, the Earth experienced an increase in volcanic eruptions. Globally, 36 volcanic eruptions are currently occurring with the possibility of moving into more volcanic activity from now till September. You can monitor this alignment with the App: Cosmographia. Because we have two eclipses the month of July, which the ancients claim are harbingers of change, and we have such an unusual rare planetary alignment that may possibly increase the instability of our Earth, I’d like to suggest that the treatment strategies for this month focus on treating the heart, balancing the element of Fire, allowing us to be in the unknown and vibrating in sympathetic resonance of the loving heart. This may be easier said than done for those who may not have a reference point for this. Still, the suggestions below will aid in balance, relaxation, expansion and DNA reformatting. Strategy suggestions revolve around grounding, resetting our Axis Mundi to Sedna, shifting our nervous system from sympathetic (stress response), to para-sympathetic (relaxation response), with treating the Huato Jaiji’s and the Bailiou, nourishing and balancing the yin and yang of the heart through the Mountain of Balance Points with Sedna, the Moon and the Sun, as well as nourishing the heart chakra, through the Yin Wei Mai, and allowing us to walk the world with an open heart and expanded sacred geometry shield of protection with the Cosmic Capstone. Suggested Intervals: Sedna/Full Moon minor 7th Sedna/Sun minor 8th Sedna Octave Treatment strategies: Grounding The Three Treasures Ren Mai and Du Mai Yin Wei Mai Mountain of Balance Points Nourish BL 11 Juato Jaoji and Baliou Cosmic Capstone Grounding Treatment Strategies for Three Treasures: Ohm Octave Full Moon 6th Solar 7th Followed by Sedna Octave Sedna/Sun minor 8th Sedna/Moon minor 7th Consider ending your installation on Ren 17 with an intuitive Planetary 5th of your choosing to assist with opening the heart chakra. Chiron/Venus 5th Sun/Jupiter 5th Sedna/Jupiter 5th Choose intervals utilizing the Sun, Moon and Sedna, to your discretion, with the above treatment strategies focusing on empowering the path of the heart. Remembering we are the people of the Shao Yang, has never been so present with us as now. With Jump Time upon us, where, what and how shall we jump? How shall we travel in the void? What rightful action is necessary for our humanity to choose in this moment? Will we choose a timeline of love, unity in community, humanitarianism, peace, harmony, love, joy & understanding for humankind? Or will we stand by witnessing the dramas unfold, paralyzed like a deer in headlights, or worse yet, participating in them? The Hopi believe that Earth prayers and ceremony will help us with a smooth and less intense transition during The Great Purification. This hour is NOW, and more than ever are we being asked to hold our center, stay grounded, be in and honor nature, meditate, chant, sing, pray, hold ceremony for the Earth, with our compass pointing to Spirit, staying in connection with the universal flow of love through the Planetary tones of Acutonics, and claiming our responsibility for the Earth with leadership from our open loving hearts. Out beyond ideas, there is a field of love & harmony…… Out beyond ideas, WE SHALL MEET US THERE |
AuthorLynn Elizabeth, MEd. Archives
February 2021
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