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March Astrology 2019 from Tierra Canta in Baja California Sur, Mexico
March Astrology Themes: Watering our Dreams and Seeding Our Earth with a balanced Divine Feminine and Masculine Within Significant Dates: 3/1 Venus Squares Uranus (29°Aquarius/Aries) Chiron Conjunct Mercury 3/5 Mercury Retrograde (29° Pisces) 3/6 New Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune (16° Pisces) Uranus re-enters Taurus (0° Taurus) Sun Conjunct Neptune (16° Pisces) Sun Squares Jupiter (23° Pisces/Sag) 3/8 *Sedna Direct (26° Taurus) till Sept 24 based on Swiss Ephemeris 3/14 – 19 Mars Trine Saturn, Mars Trine Pluto 3/20 Spring Equinox (0° Aries) Northern Hemisphere Fall Equinox (0° Libra) Southern Hemisphere 3/20 Full Moon – SuperMoon (9° Aries) 3/22 Sun Conjunct Chiron (2° Aries) 3/24 Mercury Conjunct Neptune (17° Pisces) 3/26 Venus enters Pisces (exalted from 3/26 – 4/20) 3/28 Mercury Direct (16° Pisces) 3/28 Pluto Conjunct South Node (22° Capricorn) Astrology for the beginning of 2019 started off the Year of the Earth Pig (Boar) with a Big Bang with a partial Solar Eclipse on Jan 5, with the New Moon between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, followed by a total Lunar Eclipse in Leo, squaring the change maker planet Uranus on January 20th. The year of the Boar signifies a year of completion from several cycles. So as 2019 signifies a completion year, the eclipses commencing the New Year, mark a completion of something, allowing for a grand new beginning of something else. Whatever the new beginning was intended for the New Year through the New Moon Solar Eclipse, the month of March is a great time to catalyze our intentions with most of the planets direct throughout the month, pulling us in a forward motion. Use the time of the Equinox to solidify intentions, heal old wounds, enter dreamtime, meditate, be in nature and grow inwardly. During the season of Winter, a time of introspection and intuition, we are influenced by the element of Water, the organ systems of the Kidneys and Bladder and the planetary ruler of Pisces, watery Neptune. Additional planetary signatures with water include Venus & Mars (ruling the kidneys, adrenals and bladder) the New and Full Moon, and Sedna. On an emotional level, look for issues of fear, expanded sensitivities, shutting down or hiding or stuffing of emotions, addictions, and co-dependence or inability to cope, depression and suicidal tendencies. With Neptune in it’s rulership of Pisces, look for opportunities of spiritual breakthroughs and awakened consciousness. With Piscean themes out of balance, look for more addiction issues in general, with technology addiction on the rise. Treatment strategies to consider for Piscean themes out of balance may include using the Chong Mai for addiction issues and Yin Wei Mai for trauma. Open the extras with Pluto/Neptune 5th, followed by Chiron/Neptune 3rd, Sedna/Chiron m3rd, followed by an appropriate interval of choice. Consider using Chiron/Uranus 3rd for healing addiction to technology. Consider the Mountain of Balance Points and Ren 17 for calming the spirit and nurturing with New Moon 5th, followed by Sedna/New Moon 6th and Sedna Full Moon 7th to nourish the Yin. Follow with Cosmic Tuning to give them the sense of safety to be here on Earth. Du 23 (Upper Star) with mid Sedna gem tip, ST 25 (Middle Star) with Venus/Mars 5th and SP 8 (Lower Star) with mid or low Ohm Unison. As we enter the Astrological time of March, we reflect upon the ending of winter, the time of Pisces (February 19 – March 20), bridging to the Vernal Equinox (March 20) at 0° Aries marking a turning point to Spring, or Fall in the Southern Hemisphere at 0° Libra. Aries marks the beginning of the Astrological Wheel and celebrating the Spring Equinox at 0° Aries marks a potent New Beginning of Springtime. March is filled with a plethora of planets in dreamy Pisces including the Sun, Mercury, New Moon, and Neptune, along with Venus entering Pisces later in the month. Mercury turns retrograde early in the month and then moves direct towards month’s end. And with the exception of Mercury retrograde, we have a unique opportunity of having all of the other planets moving forwards, including Sedna, allowing for a “green light go” of movement throughout April 25. The intuitive, psychic, imaginative, spiritually focused, sage-like archetypes of Pisces are helpful to balance some of the more weighty earth themes of Uranus re-entering Taurus, which some predict more unprecedented changes for our Mother Earth, and of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, conjuncting the South Node; allowing for old powers and structures to fall away and change for the necessary survival of us as a species and a planet. Treatment strategies for spiritual breakthroughs may include using Ohm/Neptune 5th, followed by Sedna/Jupiter 5th Tritone, with UB 10 (Celestial Pilar) and UB 60 (Kun Lun Mountain). Activate the Cosmic Tuning from SP 8 (Lower Star) to ST 25 (Middle Star) to DU 23 (Upper Star) with Sedna/Jupiter 5th or another appropriate planetary 5th of your choice. Good grounding to follow. The theme for March also includes changes, healings and new beginnings for both our masculine and feminine energies as if the Universe is asking us to be in right alignment with our divine masculine and divine feminine in preparation for what planetary changes we may face in the future. Both feminine power and masculine healing are necessary. The leader of the Zulu nation, Credo Mutwa, shares in oral tradition from his people, that in the beginning of times human beings were both male and female, in the heart and in balance with nature. Perhaps our DNA is realigning with how we are intended to be. Treatment strategies for balancing masculine and feminine energies may be using the Ren Mai and Du Mai with Venus/Mars 5th, followed by Nibiru/Venus 4th, Mars/Nibiru 2nd, and ending with Nibiru/Sun 5th. Bring Chiron and Mercury into the mix or whatever intervals seem appropriate. Work with the Juatos and Balio as well, starting with Mars/Chiron microtone, Chiron/Venus 5th followed by Venus/Mars 5th. Consider BL 11 with Mars/Chiron microtone, Mars/Nibitu 2nd, followed by Chiron/Venus 5th and Nibiru/Venus 4th for resetting the DNA/RNA matrix. Sedna turns direct on March 8th until September 24 heralding an important 6-month opportunity to heal any wounds of betrayal, victimization and co-dependence and launch into our divine purpose at this moment in time on our planet. When I scheduled our upcoming Sedna training here in Baja for the end of March, followed by our Sedna Integration Journey to assist in reclaiming our Indigenous Ancestral Spiritual Sovereinty, I was not aware of the fact that our outer known planet was moving from retrograde to direct. Whenever an outer planet changes course, the movement of the change can be felt profoundly. Incorporate using Sedna now and throughout the next 6 months when appropriate for your session work as we spiral into Sedna Time/Spiral Time. Senda’s ephemeris changes from 26° to 27° Taurus which is interesting to note that the Sabian Symbol for 27° Taurus is an Indigenous Woman Elder Sells Objects That Are Sacred To Her Tribe. Thus signifying an important transition in reclaiming and sharing our Indigenous Heritage and Wisdom and honoring ourselves as indigenous, healing the wounding of all indigenous people on Earth and returning to the Indigenous Earth Wisdom of holding the planet in balance. Our cosmos, our earth, our consciousness are rapidly transforming in preparation for the Golden Age. Perhaps 2020 is heralding us into this New Era? Are we preparing internally for this? The upcoming rare triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in 2020 may help catapult the shifts needed for our consciousness to be in resonance with the vibrational changes necessary to meet these evolutionary times. Some Mayan elders are now sharing that the end of the Mayan Calendar is really 7 years after December 2012, suggesting that the real end of the calendar is December 2019. With this concept, the year 2012 was a beginning of a 7-year period of planetary transformation and an opportunity for humans to raise their consciousness in preparation for the grand cosmic sneeze. Regardless if this is the case or not, how are we living in these challenging times? All ancient spiritual traditions have appointed to these times for us humans to be prepared physically, mentally and spiritually. We are the ones we have been waiting for, being present, in the heart, and may our Acutonics tool kit be included for the ride as we fasten our Music of the Spheres seat belts for what lies ahead.
AuthorLynn Elizabeth, MEd. Archives
February 2021
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