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November 2018 Astrology
November Themes: Element of Metal (LI/LU) Righteousness and grief Elimination and Inspiration Planet Rulership of Metal is Venus Scorpio ruled by Pluto White Tiger Significant dates: Oct 31 – Pluto crosses the ecliptic (evolutionary overdrive) last time 1931, next in 2179 Nov 1 – Jupiter (in Scorpio) trine Chiron (in Pisces) water trine, expanded healing and transformation Nov 6 – Uranus Retrograde (changing signs from Taurus to Aries until March 6, 2019) US Elections Nov 7 – New Moon in Scorpio Nov 8 – Jupiter in Sagittarius (changing signs from Scorpio) till December 3, 2019 Nov 8 – Sedna Retrograde 27˚ 16˚ Taurus till March 28, 2019 (based upon Swiss Ephemeris 3/15/2004) Nov 11 – 11:11:11 Prosperity Portal through November 22, 2018 Nov 16 – Venus Direct (in Libra) what we value, love & creativity flow easier on all levels Nov 16 – Mercury Retrograde (in Sagittarius) till December 6, 2018 (Scorpio) Nov 22 – Full Moon (Gemini/Sagittarius) Nov 24 – Neptune Direct (in Pisces) on Thanksgiving Day Nov 25 – 27 Sun, Mercury, Jupiter conjunction (bringing in more expansion of prosperity consciousness. Nov 28 – Jupiter in Sagittarius semi-square Pluto in Capricorn Nov 30 – Venus in Libra opposes Uranus in Aries In November we enter the astrological time of Scorpio (October 22 – November 21), ruled by the planet Pluto, (in ancient time Mars). During this time we are influenced by the Element of Metal, the season of Fall, the time of Harvest, with the organs of the LI and LU, and the planet Venus in 5 Element Theory. Remembering that Pluto themes represent our transformative energy, our power, our oldest patterns and our deepest fears, lest not forget that Pluto is our opportunity and willingness to choose to look within and do our inner-work. With the transformative abilities of Pluto at play, we can experience tumultuous events in our lives, major or mini personal earthquakes, break-ups and/or breakthroughs to a new reality that our consciousness is asking us to grow towards. When we do our Pluto work willingly, oftentimes we get to dig deep and reap the treasure chest of inner rewards. And with Pluto crossing our ecliptic on October 31, 2018, we are being asked to trust the changes of evolution even if they seem outrageously bizarre and not to get pulled into the collective drama. Remember that chaos produces order and opportunities of evolutionary portals are created that would not exist if it weren’t for the chaos. Our thoughts and feelings create our reality more instantaneously than ever. This is an amazing time to be clear on what our intentions are, keep our focus and avoid distractions at all cost. Staying present in the heart and choosing love are more important now as we leap through Jump Time. During November, the time of Scorpio, on an emotional level look for issues where we feel the need to be right, or to be included, as well as grief that is unresolved or activated. This can be grief on a collective level as we witness unprecedented change on our planet. On a physical level, look for mental imbalances, sinus issues, allergies and lung sensitivities. It is truly a time to come from the heart and not to be in the illusion of separateness or fear. This is a great time to access the Chong Channel with Pluto intervals to assist in changing patterns at the blood root. Consider opening the Chong with Pluto/Neptune 5th, Pluto/New Moon 5th or Pluto/Uranus 5th depending upon your intention. Follow with the appropriate intervals for dissolving and healing patterns and ending with the New Story of Sun/Nibiru 5th. Consider using Pluto 5ths with opening the microcosmic orbit of the Ren Mai and Du Mai as well and ending with Ohm Octave for a fuller coming into balance or Sedna Octave allowing for a fuller expansion of Unity Consciousness. Consider using Pluto/Chiron 2nd, Chiron/Nibiru minor 2nd and mid-Nibiru/high frequency Sedna minor 6th (bridging) on Bladder 11 to assist our DNA and RNA for an upgrade! Treating 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakra issues during this time of Pluto ruling Scorpio is a great time for assisting clients with dealing with their shadow issues and coming into right alignment with their power. Consider using Pluto intervals followed by Chiron on the chakras. For empowerment, consider using Sun/Pluto on the umbilicus. Treatment strategies for transitioning through the season of Fall and for the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th, include Cycle Gate with Pluto/New Moon 5th, the New Moon fork on LU 1 and Pluto on LIV 14. Follow with Sedna/New Moon 6th interval to take these new beginning to a new paradigm. Consider strengthening ST 25, Celestial Pivot and SP 6, Three Yin Intersection, during this season as well. Follow the same sequence on the Full Moon, November 22, using Cycle Gate with Pluto/Full Moon 6th, for bringing to fullness what our souls are here for at this time, followed by Sedna/Full Moon 7th to bring that fullness into the new paradigm. Commencing with transformative energy of Pluto crossing the ecliptic, on October 31, November continues with a plethora of planetary alignments ranging from Jupiter moving into Sagittarius, where it is exalted, offering us an opportunity to restore our trust, faith, seek truth and abundance; to 3 planets moving retrograde (Uranus, Sedna and Mercury), offering us an opportunity to rethink, research, review, restructure & realign; and 2 moving direct (Venus and Neptune), allowing us to move forwards in some area concerning these two planetary bodies. And to keep us spinning in alignment with the times, we have an amazing window of opportunity from November 11 (11:11:11) through November 22 (11 days) to create material and spiritual prosperity! On the first of November, Jupiter in Scorpio trines Chiron in Pisces. This is an opportune time for healing and transformation. Trines in astrology allow for easy flow of energy. Consider using Low Jupiter/mid Pluto 5th with opening the 8 extras followed by all 3 levels of Chiron/Neptune 4th. Consider using Low Jupiter/ Mid Chiron 6th on ST 40, Abundant Splendor, for abundant healing of the mind, body & spirit. On election day in the US, November 6, be ready for unexpected changes politically as well as planetarily as Uranus turns retrograde moving back into Aries until March 6, 2019. Retrograde periods are times to rethink and reassess. To assist in stuck energy moving quickly, consider using Low Uranus/Mid Mars 5th for opening the 4 gates (LI 4, Joining Valley and Liv 3, Great Rushing). Consider following with Zodiac/Uranus 3rd for a more gentle dispersement of Uranus energy. On November 8, expansive Jupiter moves from Scorpio into it’s ruling sign of Sagittarius. This is an opportune time for things to get easier and the wind to be behind your back. Consider using Sun/Jupiter 5th for expanding consciousness with BL 10, Celestial Pillar and BL 60, Kunlun Mountain (the place of the Tao and the tiger spirit). Consider the same interval the 3 treasures or for ST 40, Abundant Spendor, for expanding the body, mind, spirit connection. With Sedna turning retrograde on November 8, consider following the above interval with Sedna/Jupiter 5th to bring expansive Jupiter a new paradigm of unity consciousness. On November 11, 2018 (11:11:11; November the 11th month of the year, 11th day of the month and 2018 adding up to be 11 in numerology; 2 + 1 + 8 = 11) some sources suggest that a portal of energy will descend upon earth allowing for 11 days of manifesting prosperity. The energy that is coming through the 11:11 portal will amplify our consciousness. Those who are in a positive timeline will have an increase in positive experiences. Those who are following a path of negativity will amplify that course of direction. The element of Metal has long been associated with alchemy and alchemy is the transformational process of becoming gold, a treatment strategy to consider for this prosperity portal is the Cosmic Capstone with Mercury/ Nibiru 3rd for integrating the alchemical and transformational process of becoming gold and owning our God/Goddess selves. Follow with Sedna/Jupiter 5th for opening our consciousness to new paradigms and ending with Mid Sedna/High Frequency Zodiac 11th for integrating and expanding into unity consciousness during the Age of Aquarius. Any 3 of these intervals can be used independently as well. You can also consider using one of all 3 levels of the Mercury Nibiru 3rd, Sun/Jupiter 5th (abundance) or Sedna/Jupiter 5th. On November 24th, Thanksgiving Day in the United States, we have another significant astrological alignment with Neptune turning Direct. It does not occur again until May 17, 2023. Any time an outer planet changes direction, we will most likely feel it in the collective. Neptune is in Pisces in it’s house of rulership. As we reflect on what we are grateful for this Thanksgiving, may we also reflect upon who we are as spiritual beings on planet earth and what is our spiritual destiny. For those who are spiritually bankrupt, these times will be most challenging for them. Consider using Ohm/Neptune 5th on BL 10, Celestial Pillar and BL 60, Kunlun Mountain allowing for Connection to spirit. Consider using Ohm/Neptune 5th with any of the Windows To The Sky Points. With the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter conjunct on November 25th, continue with the prosperity Treatment strategy used for 11:11 with Sun/Jupiter 5th and Mercury/Nibiru 3rd. With Jupiter in Sagittarius semi-squaring Pluto in Capricorn, semi-squares are half of a square or 45 degrees that can be an area of frustration. Consider using Pluto/Jupiter 4th on the Balio, to bring forwards an any areas of frustration or stagnation that need to be released, followed by Zodiac/Jupiter 3rd to expand the release. A treatment strategy for Jupiter semi- squaring Pluto, might include UB 10, Celestial Pillar and UB 60, Kun Lun Mountain (the place of the Tao and the tiger spirit) with Pluto/Jupiter 4th followed with Jupiter/Venus 3rd to bring forth your spiritual destiny through the heart. With Pluto in Capricorn until November 19, 2024, we have the opportunity personally to claim our authenticity. Who do we choose to be at this time on the planet? Are we walking our talk? Are we in alignment with all of our personal systems on a physical, emotional and spiritual level? Are we following our evolutionary destiny? Good time to clean out the cosmic closet so we can fill it with all we are meant to be. For our final installation, consider Cosmic Tuning with Sedna on Du 23, Upper Star to reset the axis mundi with a new paradigm, Pluto/Jupiter 4th on St 25, Celestial Pivot or Middle Star, allowing ourselves to be in the void, having faith for a new expanded consciousness and lastly, Venus/Jupiter 3rd on SP 8, Lower Star, seizing the opportunities of Earth, or Lower Star, to bring and expand heart energies with hope and faith for claiming a more harmonic and peaceful journey on Earth through unity and heart consciousness. May this installation allow you to continue your precious walk on Planet Earth birthing the World you are choosing to co-create through love, faith, harmony, joy, peace and ABUNDANCE, as we all work together to remember that we are spiritual beings in human form on the path to find God. The Universe is within us and our evolving consciousness is essential for a positive timeline for the outcome of our destiny as a humanity and ............... LOVE is always the answer.
AuthorLynn Elizabeth, MEd. Archives
February 2021
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